
Words With Friends 2 is one of the world’s most beloved mobile word games. Designed to entertain and educate, this app offers numerous features that promise to enhance your vocabulary while ensuring a fun, competitive experience. Building on its predecessor, it goes above and beyond in delivering a smarter, more engaging word puzzle game that...

Words With Friends

  • Hamish MacGregor

Words With Friends 2 is one of the world’s most beloved mobile word games. Designed to entertain and educate, this app offers numerous features that promise to enhance your vocabulary while ensuring a fun, competitive experience. Building on its predecessor, it goes above and beyond in delivering a smarter, more engaging word puzzle game that connects you with friends and family worldwide.

In this review, we will delve into every aspect of the Words With Friends 2 app, from its game functionalities to user interface usability, navigation, and personalization options.

Game Functionality

The core of Words With Friends 2 lies in its engaging word game showdown. You have the option to challenge friends and family or find the perfect opponent using the Smart Match feature. The game sets you on an endless quest to unscramble letters and find the highest scoring words on a crossword-style board.

With various ways to engage, including daily, weekend, and weekly goals, the game ensures you are continually intrigued. These goals allow users to earn keys that unlock exclusive collectible rewards. This innovative Rewards Pass system adds an extra layer of excitement and achievement.

Solo Challenges

One of the stand-out features is the Solo Challenge mode. This mode pits you against themed WordMaster characters of varying difficulty. It is a perfect way to sharpen your spelling, vocabulary, and general word skills.

The increasing complexity of the challenges as you climb the ladder adds to the thrill, keeping you motivated and focused on improvement.

Word Wheel Mini-Game

For those who love crossword puzzles and anagram games, the Word Wheel mini-game is an excellent addition. This limited-time text twist game challenges your brain in new ways, providing a satisfying solo experience when you're not up for competitive play.

The ease of play in this mode makes it accessible to users of all ages, making it a delightful and relaxing diversion.

Rewards and Collectibles

The Rewards Pass is a fantastic feature that enriches the game experience. By completing various goals, you can earn unique collectible items tied to different themes introduced every six weeks.

This not only keeps the game fresh and exciting but also adds a layer of depth, encouraging players to return regularly to see what new collectibles they can unlock.

User Interface Usability

The interface of Words With Friends 2 is clean, intuitive, and user-friendly. It has been designed with a great emphasis on ease of use, ensuring that players can focus on the game rather than getting lost in complicated menus.

Every feature and option is just a tap away, and the learning curve is quite shallow, making it easy for new players to get started quickly.


Navigation within the app is smooth and almost flawless. Whether you want to start a new game, continue an ongoing match, or dive into a solo challenge or mini-game, it only takes a few taps to get there.

Additionally, the navigation is consistent across features, which means you don’t have to learn different controls for different game modes.


Words With Friends 2 excels in personalization options. Users can show off their word game persona by customizing their game with Stickers, Tile Styles, and Profile Frames. These vibrant and dynamic options make the gaming experience truly yours.

Moreover, the app lets you equip Widgets to stay updated with your ongoing matches and favorite events, providing a personalized and engaging game environment.

Ad-Free Experience

If you previously purchased Words With Friends Pro or opted for no third-party ads in the original Words With Friends, you can continue to enjoy an ad-free experience in Words With Friends 2. This is a valuable option for those who prefer uninterrupted gameplay.

By logging in with Facebook or the same email account used for the prior purchase, you can keep your game sessions free from ads, enhancing the overall experience.

Social Integration

Words With Friends 2 provides various ways to stay connected with the community. You can follow the game on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to stay updated on the latest news, contests, polls, and more.

This makes the app not just a game, but a community where you can become an accomplished Wordie and engage with fellow word lovers.


Words With Friends 2 is a top-tier mobile word game that successfully combines fun, education, and social interaction. The game’s functionalities, interface usability, and extensive personalization options make it a must-have for word enthusiasts.

From Solo Challenges to limited-time mini-games and a rewarding experience through the Rewards Pass, it offers something for everyone. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned player, Words With Friends 2 continues to engage and entertain countless players around the world.

  • Engaging and varied game modes
  • Excellent user interface and smooth navigation
  • Rich personalization options
  • Ad-free experience for previous purchasers
  • Strong community and social media presence
  • In-app purchases may be necessary for additional content
  • Competitive game modes can sometimes feel repetitive